Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Prince and the Pictures

So this is just a short note to inform all of you loyal readers that, if you haven't already noticed, there is a link to view our web albums of Paraguay off to the side there.  No, a little lower.  Too low.  Right.  Right there.  Good.  Now, there might still be some kinks that need worked out, but more or less you should be able to see what we see.

On another note, uploading all of the pictures to the web this morning allowed me the chance to remember our trip to the countryside and that they are teaching about "The Little Prince"  in the school there.  Those kids, if they read that book, will turn out just fine.

Sorry.  The lighting on the picture is not good... but you get the idea.  I was excited to see it on the blackboard.

If you do not know about this book, allow me to tell you that it is possibly the greatest book ever written.  I know what you are thinking.  "Well Craig there is this..." No.  No arguments.  Find this book and read it, and you will see. Antoine de Saint Exupéry wrote the book way back in 1943.  It was a work of genius then, and still is now.  Here, check Wikipedia.  

Anyhow, my German Host-mom Sylvia first gave me this book when I was in Germany, and it was the first book I ever read in German.  (It was originally written in French, but it's in a bunch of different languages now.)  It should be required reading for anyone who is going to be an adult, anywhere in the world.  CEMTA (the Mennonite Seminary here) also has the book in Spanish, and so I read it again in Spanish.  One day I will read it in English, and then in any other language people find the book in and give to me.  It is that good.


Anonymous said...

You're right, that Wikipedia site really has something to say about this book. It drew me in for a good five minutes. I was supposed to be preparing for my classes. It will now be your fault if my intermediates don´t know the differences between "can" and "may."

Krista said...

It is a special thing to like a book that much. :)

Unknown said...

Hey I have read the book in spanish, and like Craig said "it should be required reading for all adults"