Thursday, November 20, 2008

Get with the Beat!

We've all had the experience of going to a concert, worship service, or while sitting with an uh-hum, older person, and the song starts.  Now it has a pretty good beat, you're enjoying it, until... oh dear help us all, someone starts to clap on the 1st and 3rd beat of the song!  If this sounds like you - you can't keep a beat, and can't figure out why everyone else is clapping on the off beat - Ahh yes, then you should move to Paraguay!  

That's right my friends and family, you're "off the beat" here in Paraguay if you clap our "normal" 2nd and 4th beat to a song!  So a big thank you for all of you out there, (you may not know who you are, but we do) who have prepared me for this cultural difference that is probably the most difficult to adapt to!  

Give me all the cheeks you want, I'll kiss them, I'll take the cold showers on a cool morning, I'll even deal with the dust here that makes my face itch like mad!! Just don't make me clap on the 1st and 3rd beat!  So as you go to church on Sunday morning, remember me as you clap along, however you do it.  


Lyz said...

Oh, you are hilarious!!! Some of us who are "rhythmically impaired" wouldn't even notice :) I'll be clapping away for you next chance I get!

Bethany Miller said...

NOOOOO!!!! not 1 and 3!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don´t worry Krista, I´ll clap on ALL the beats to make you happy.

Tyler D. said...

I´m not sure I understand what you are talking about...

Krista said...

what a great post, Krista!

Becca said...

Ok, So I had read this post on Saturday,
and I finally realized why I´ve been having so much trouble keeping beat. It´s not because of my horrible rythm, but everybody else is different(normal here). So I went to church, content, and tried to fit in. Unfortunatly for me, there was a older man sitting in front of my clapping loudly on beat´s 2 and 4. He was beating my rythm, the rythm I had chosen to forgo, it was very hard to concentrate and attmept to clap 1,3.

Andrea said...

AHAHAHA! YES!!! I laughed out loud when I read this. When I was there, I felt like NO ONE could understand my inner turmoil. So yes. I would have to agree with you that's it's more painful than a lot of things. :) Fuerza amigos!