Sunday, October 5, 2008

On the Diving Board and Ready to Jump!

It’s strange how in just a month, you can entirely become comfortable in a once uncomfortable place, and seemingly forget what is about to come!  Our “Radical Journey” group of 16 has just dropped to 13, with the first group, England, leaving for their year of service on Saturday, October 4.  It reminded me how each person in our house has played an integral part, and with the three of them gone, it’s apparently obvious that our group is no longer complete.  
Friday night as a last night “hurrah”, we all went, along with KD, Darrell Gascho and Liz Weaver, to a restaurant that promotes giving homeless people experience with being a chef, in hopes that they then will be able to go out and get a job as a chef in a competitive restaurant with this experience.  The food was excellent, and I had to hold myself back from wanting to take pictures of every dish. J  This is something that Craig has yet to understand about me, and I have a sense that this will be something that we never see eye to eye about--and I am completely comfortable with having that difference between us.  I love food, and everything about it!  But I’ll try not to diverge.  

After the delicious dinner, we walked over to the lakefront.  Once there, we had a time of prayer and sending for every group, with each team surrounded by the others while we prayed for them.  Whether it was to give every team a little break from
 the frigid temperature, or to give the groups a sense of our support and prayer, I’m really not sure, but it was nevertheless a meaningful time as we let go of racing minds with what the future holds for us.  

Skipping to Sunday, Craig and I were planning to go to Community Mennonite Church that is housed in the church that Craig and I are living in.  However, what we did not know was that the one day that we decide to go to a Mennonite church was the Sunday that they were having “house church Sunday.”  So, instead of finding a church last minute, we had our own church, going to the (free) Chicago Zoo, cheap Thai for lunch, st
opped for some coffee and finished by reading our books at Barnes and Noble.  My mind ran wild, and butterflies jumped in my stomach as I asked Craig, “just think what we will be doing next Sunday!”  Ahhh! 

And for those of you wondering about the no ketchup on a Chicago hotdog, may I recommend a book to you:


Nussbaum Family said...

I'm offended. Ketchup lovers unite!!

Krista said...

hope Sunday was refreshing and relaxing

Kelsey said...

Next Sunday... probably singing "cuan grand es el" with guitar and mic reeally loud, while cars pass blaring cachaca music. :) That might be an exaggeration, but it's not far from the truth! Isn't that great!? Anyway, have a good trip!

Andrea said...

krista and craig! i'm patiently awaiting an update...patiently waiting... :)