Sunday, September 28, 2008

One Week Closer

On the whole, the “radical journey clan” is comfortable living together, sharing meals together, knowing the ebb and flow of the city, and it’s easy to be distracted enough by our surr
oundings that we forget that we will soon once again, be kicked out of our comfort zone and be thrown into our different countries.  Although “thrown” is a strong word, we’re all excited, and for the most part ready for this new adventure.  However, it is only 9 short days until the Paraguay group flies the coop.  
This past week was once again full, showing us new sights and sounds.  We started the week with a group of us going to Trinity United Church of Christ last Sunday.  Yes, it’s the church that’s been in the political spotlight, Obama’s most recent home church.  Although there were some things that made us feel uncomfortable, it was a church that was full of thanksgiving and praise to God.  

Jumping to today, a smaller group of us went to Catholic mass.  As I sat in mass I thought to myself, “it’s hard to hear them; I wish we would sing/say something that I know; I’m not really feeling very connected here.”  It was in the middle of mass that I realized that for the next 10 months I am going to feel disconnected, not understanding everything, and it can be a lonely time of thinking that I am not connecting to God, or I can make a choice that my God is in everything, and it is up to me to see him in everything.  Although it’s going to be different, I’ve got to search deeper to see God in ways that I skip over at East Goshen Mennonite (our church in Goshen), or at Kidron Mennonite (my home church).
On a more random note, in case you’ve always wanted to know what exactly makes up a Chicago hot dog…let your wondering mind be comforted!!  


Krista said...

glad that Mass was a good experience in that weird learning sense.

Nussbaum Family said...

Why did they ban ketchup on a chi dog?!?!????? your mom.

Kelsey said...

That's so true about staying positive, and finding God in little ways everyday. Easier said than done some days, but it's always possible. :)

PS. What's so bad about ketchup?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Good hot dog connection, Krista. It's good to be reminded that just as no one ingredient makes a Chicago hot dog, no one act of worship or discipleship (e.g., going to church) will fully connect us with God. So while we may be missing the hot peppers in Paraguay, don't forget that you still have the sausage of faith.