Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Face Off

   For the past two weeks I've been having a nasty reaction to something in Berta's (our new host mom) home.  Unfortunately, this little bugger has been affecting my face, making it itch like mad, and therefore, swell up and become beautifully dry.  It has woken me up at all hours of the night, only to remind me that I in fact have not figured out what I'm allergic to!  However, Craig and I were willing to try anything, even if it means sleeping in separate beds.  We have 2 beds in our room, a twin and a double, and I apparently was allergic to either our bed, my pillow, or Craig.  So we bought a new pillow, switched beds, and I now sleep alone.  And you know what?  I finally slept through the night!  I feel like a new mom, experiencing the first time that her child has slept the whole night through!  What a relief, and even more wonderful is that my face does not itch, and is back to its normal size.  Praise the Lord!  :)  


Anonymous said...

Hey Krista, SO glad your face is better! But I saw you at the library at CEMTA today - you really should wash that lotion off your face. It´s not meant to stay on permanently.

Krista said...

Glad to hear the problem at least is partially solved.

Bethany Miller said...

i think i saw an oprah once where the wife was allergic to her husband. sad day. good thing thats not the case :)

Tyler D. said...

I can totally hear you saying 'nasty reaction' in my head. So... I'm cousins with your sister now. Does that make us cuñados or something?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Krista...no fun! Glad you're finding a solution...or at least narrowing it down :)